Assess Current Resources
How many beds do you have?
- Quantify numbers and locations of general inpatient and ICU beds
- What is currently available?
- What new ICU-level units can be created?
- What new non-ICU level units can be created?
What skills do your staff have?
- Determine where your staff can serve the overall COVID-19 response based on their experience, training, and availability
What supplies do you have?
- Inventory PPE, Vents, CRRT and dialysis machines
- Can ventilators or other supplies be repurposed from operating rooms, children’s hospitals, etc.?
Estimate Future Needs
How many patients are you expecting?
What staff will you need?
- Team makeup: define the composition of teams for each unit (general inpatient, ICU)
- Define ideal and stretch levels of care team models
(See example team compositions in model tables below)
- Estimate the number of staff needed in each role based on current and projected COVID-19 patient census:
- Identify areas of anticipated staff shortages by comparing available staff (calculate using Pandemic Role Allocation Tools) with projected needs
What stuff will you need?
- Project need for PPE, Ventilators, CRRT, and dialysis machines based on anticipated patient census
Plan Your Response
How can you safely redeploy staff?
- Up-training clinical staff
- Redeploy clinical staff to new roles based on current skill level
How will your staff be deployed?
- Assign staff to teams, and assign teams to locations, based on census